BCC Blog
October 31, 2021
Trudi Davis, Women’s Ministries
December 2012, Heart to Heart was hosting Christmas brunch for the women of the church and I was attending as a woman recently retired who had moved back to the valley of her childhood after 36+ years away, hungry for the fellowship of other women and opportunities to get actively involved in a Bible Study. As I walked into the fellowship hall that morning, I was greeted by Vicki Lund who steered me to a table she had reserved for all the newbies. I left that brunch having made a date for lunch the following week with two new friends Ruth Westerbeck and Kimberly Geariety and a plan to begin attending Heart-to-Heart Bible Study. I discovered there are a multitude of ways for women to involve themselves in life at BCC, this is an introduction to three special women’s ministries:
The Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study meets at 9:45 in the fellowship hall for coffee and sharing. At 10:00 Nancy Hill Hoffman leads the ladies in worship before beginning their study. This fall they have chosen to do a chapter-by-chapter study of the book of Matthew, after reading a chapter together they divide into groups of three to discuss the text. Each week they change groups so that they have an opportunity to get better acquainted with one another. The study concludes between 11:00-11:15. If interested in joining these ladies please contact Nancy Hill Hoffman or Kathy Nelson.
Looking for a way to serve and have fun? Join the Pinheads, they meet the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month from 9:30-2:00 in room 410. A service group, they are ladies who love sewing quilts or knitting for others as well as enjoying one another’s company as they fellowship together. They provide quilts for new babies in the church and if grandma attends church at BCC, she is also gifted a quilt. Others receiving quilts are those hospitalized or having surgery or those in need of a quilt. This year knitters have joined their ministry. Please contact Jan Irwin and Elsie Carlson if interested in this ministry.
Heart-to-Heart, a multigenerational Women’s Bible Study, has met Friday mornings 9:50-11:30 in the Fellowship Hall at Bethany for approximately 30 years. The joy of moms, aunts, empty nesters, grandmothers, working, or retired ladies praising, praying, and studying the Scriptures has been a beloved and valuable ministry for all women. Childcare has made it workable for young mothers to stay connected, supported, and able to study God’s Word together. If you have children who will be coming, contact any of the leaders to RSVP and Karen Van Natta will be in the nursery eagerly awaiting the young ones’ arrival! This year a ZOOM group and home group meet concurrently as part of H2H.
H2H participants are enjoying Melissa Spoelstra’s study, “The Names of God, His Character Revealed”. Our time together includes fellowship, worship, videos, small group discussion and prayer. If you are interested, please contact any of the leaders below or come next Friday! Karen Talbert (ZOOM), Ruth Westerbeck, Trudi Davis, Rhonda Egging, Vicki Lund, and Sharon Benson (home group)