At Bethany, we want people to be able to find their home here and ultimately, to find their home in Jesus. To that end, we want to encourage you with 3 simple ways to invite someone to join you.
Personal Face-to-Face Invitation
The most effective way to welcome someone is with a personal invitation done face-to-face. As you gather with friends, family, or neighbors over coffee, a meal, at the playground, at the gym, at the office, or at school, be prayerful and attentive for opportunities to simply invite someone to join you on a Sunday, to your Home Group, or to serve alongside you. 82% of people who don’t attend church say they would visit a church if they were personally invited (“The Unchurched Next Door” by Dr. Thom Rainer). A personal invitation is a powerful opportunity for someone to find their home in Jesus.
Personal Message
Along with face-to-face invitations, a personal message to a friend or loved one goes a long way in making them feel welcome and loved. Take a moment to simply send a text message, an email, or a Facebook message inviting someone to join you. We know this can be intimidating so we’ve included a simple sample message below that you can simply copy and paste. We trust that the Spirit of God is already at work in the lives of those you care about.
Sample Message
I hope you’re having a great day! I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and wondered if you’d be interested in joining me for church on Sunday? I would love to go together! Hope you have a great week!
Social Media
Social media can be such a powerful tool to connect with people. We’ve created a number of shareable graphics that you can find by clicking the button below. You can post them on your own social media accounts, tag people you’d like to invite, send them in personal messages, or use them however you’d like to help spread the word that we want people to find their home in Jesus. We’ve included some sample text you can also use with your post.
Sample Text
No matter who you are or where you’re from, you belong in the family of God. I’d love to have you join me at Bethany on Sunday at 8:30am or 11am and find your home here. #FindYourHomeHere